Today was a crazy day. There is a lot going on behind the scenes for the upcoming national finals on December 7. Before I go further though, let me say a big thank you to the CBC for their continued support of Independance Festival and to their commitment to the community. This post will feature the final videos from the Zone Finals.
An apology is in order to the performers at the St. Micheal North Zone finals. I am having a bit of a problem with the video of this show. So to the fans and the performers - I'm sorry. The remaining video is of the groups of the St. Michael south Zone. Enjoy and... you know it, share your comments.
Higher Level Empire
Mysterious 7
Restoration World Changers
Let's Talk about Love Baby...
9 years ago
sorry to say ,but i dont think you 're sorry at all.this is a competition-not a guessing game. The three top performers from st micheal north and the top performer from st michael south....none of their videos will be posted.I understand what u said..but it is not fair to the other competitors.why waste time going to the gym ...if you're indicating who's the winner and runners-up.their performances should be critic just like the others.....i don't think their is nothing wrong with your camera ,one bit...
Again let me apologize for the video malfunction at Combermere, but I think anyone who attended that show might be able to understand some of the difficulties that could have been faced.
I don't understand why you would be bitter since this blog bears has no influence on the judges' decisions. As for the top performers, I personally do not know who they are. This blog was created to allow persons to get a basic view of what I saw. All videos from St. Michael South will be posted, the only one not up here is that of Demolition Squad. Is Demolition Squad the top performer from St. Micahel South? You seem to have information that I do not have.
I don't see how posting these videos of the Zone finals can create a waste of time situation for groups already through to the finals. the groups Haynesville and High Level Empire are not finalists, yet were included in my overall reviews.
I do agree with you though, that St. Micheal North Zone Finals had some of the best performances, and like you am disappointed, that the video is not available. I can however, provided a pictorial review if this would help.
No need to be bitter sir, all performances on the 7th will be judged on their merit for that evening and I am sure that the top groups will not disappoint. so don't be bitter, this blog was created in the spirit of sharing. I appreciate your comment, and I am glad to see that some are following and are concerned enough to make their thoughts known. Thank you and cheers.
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